LYNNE E. Sheridan
I look forward to working with you to make your life the most meaningful for you as you can possibly imagine.

An up to date list of workshops, live and online, for you to create, dig into and manifest your life with one of the most sought after Transformational Trainers in the world.
In addition to working full time in personal effectiveness trainings, Lynne is licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.
Lynne has a Certificate in Transpersonal Studies from the Institute for Transpersonal Psychology as well as a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. In her work as a transformational trainer, Lynne coaches couples in achieving their dreams and producing extraordinary results in every area of their lives.
• Clarify, explore and expand your vision for your relationship;
• Illuminate patterns from your family of origin and where these patterns are supporting and getting in the way of intimacy, love and connection;
• Learn how to fight fairly, expressing upset fully without damaging your relationship, but rather forwarding it;
• Nurture and develop your capacity to like and respect your partner for who they are.
• Solve solvable problems and surrender to those that are not “solve-able.”
Continue to live into the highest potential of your partnership!

November 1-3, 2024
Awakening Intimacy
Couples Awakening Intimacy opens up heartfelt communication, where both partners genuinely feel heard, not just the words, but the feeling underneath the words. Instead of circular arguments that end up hurting each other more, couples learn how to achieve real freedom from the past hurts and let go of blame.

February 9-11, 2024
Passionate Partnerships
Couples Retreats Testimonials
“Couples I is an amazing opportunity where you can create the relationship you have always wanted with your partner in an open, loving, safe environment. It’s revealing- why you do what you do- why you picked who you picked- a perfect mirror of who you are. Not only is it abundant growth in your romantic relationship- it is valuable to every relationship.”-Sunny Nomura
“Couples 1 was phenomenally helpful in deepening the connection between my husband and me. It had just enough experiential processes for it not to feel like just another informational workshop. The information was solid, light, bulbs going off in my head left and right. I felt the connection deepen with each day.”
“I created a deep connection and authenticity that I didn’t think was possible in Couples I. Lynne provided us with a safe and trusting space for amazing breakthroughs. No matter where you are in your relationship, you can benefit from being in Couples I.”-Cliff Tsai
“This was PERFECT! We have no infidelity, no betrayal of any kind, just the everyday stuff that comes up in the world of marriage & children. In other words, nothing very intense to work out, so to do this together, it was the perfect experience for us to re-charge our love & appreciation for each other & the life we built & are continuing to create over & over again.”-Barb Hernandez Carrillo
“Couples allowed us an amazing opportunity to explore the core issues that create distress, challenges, frustration in our relationship. But, more importantly, it provided greater insight as to why we make such a wonderful pairing, a perfect partnership that was divinely created to heal these hurts in the other. It was such a powerful and worthwhile experience.”-Kelley Baker

Transcendence - To achieve a life where we are moving beyond our mind’s limitations, our fears and doubts and genuinely step into a prior form of ourselves is work. Most people would say that it is the work of our lifetime and what makes a life truly beautiful.

Wisdom of the Heart - this is the process of moving to Self beyond ego. Through the Mastery of the Transcendent Breath, you learn to rely on your heart and intuition as well as your mind. This is a shift from analytical mind into experiencing a holistic view of yourself and the world…

In Vibrant Living with Balance, the focus shifts to moving beyond the self as separate from others, and a deep understanding of non-separation. It is experienced as an opening of joy, gratitude, love and oneness. You will begin to experience their connection to the whole of creation and experience your as a creative power…
Most participants at the Integrative Retreat have ventured through the first two aspects of Transcendence, one way or another. The Integrative Retreat is a chance to move into a spiritual transcendence. Since the Retreat is immersive, with multiple Transcendent breathwork sessions and meditation, it fosters powerful and lasting healing…
A Community of Healing
Our community gathers for two monthly on-line intensive breathwork sessions and a debrief session at the end of the month with personalized coaching based on what your breath is revealing to you. During sessions Lynne is working with participants to shift patterns, inspire release and open what wants to come forth. Although this is on zoom, most participants feel the work occurring during sessions and, more powerfully, notice shifts in their lives the longer they are in the membership - whether than means new careers, or relationships, or a sense of peace in moving through the world, the shifts are impactful and lasting.
"I absolutely love breathwork! Through breathwork I am freed up to get out of my head and let my work take me wherever it takes me. I am always creating breakthroughs in areas of my life I wasn't conscious of knowing I had an opportunity to create a breakthrough in. Through Vibrant I created a new zest for life with a renewed amount of energy and vibrancy. I felt an immediate shift in my relationship with my wife, and I created the courage to stretch myself to deepen my relationship with my wife. Professionally, I became crystal clear in my next steps for growth in my architectural career, and I created the courage to take some immediate big transitional leaps of faith to create this growth which included an increase in pay while working less. I also had an incredible breakthrough with my father in getting to empathize with him on a level I hadn't seen possible before. I'm grateful for the opportunities breathwork has opened up in my life and grateful to having found breathwork in my life."
~ RYAN ~

a must have for couples!
The book couples are raving about!
Do you want a marriage or partnership that sizzles and inspires others? Do you want to dive into an entirely new level of intimacy? Are you ready to do the work? Like for real? The The Birds and Bees of Joyful Monogamy has arrived in your lap at the perfect time.
check Learnings and practices from an expert with 20+ years experience,.
check This isn't a self-help book! This book has you dig in!
check Audio version is also available.
* eBook includes iBooks, PDF & ePub versions
"Lynne has a way of making complicated material accessible and usable. She has the unique ability to take what appears to be conflicting or differing perspectives and weave them together, showing patterns and similarities that allow for a deeper understanding of ourselves and significant others."
~ Marcia Weider, Dream University founder and best-selling author ~

Meet Lynne E. Sheridan
Over the past 28 years, Lynne E. Sheridan has trained tens of thousands of people around the world in achieving their dreams, no matter what the circumstance, obstacle or consideration.
Lynne is the wife of an amazing artist and the mother of a 22yo son and an 19yo daughter, who consistently serve as teachers to her, as well as a constant source of inspiration.